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To Be Oe Not to Be That Is Congestion Etc Funny Quote

Happy Mother's Day! Let's laugh together with some funny Mothers Day Quotes!

Funny Mother's Day Quotes from LalymomI'm teaming up with a huge group of bloggers for an All Things Baby Bloghop an you have to read through my awesome post and then see all the details and enter our giveaway at the bottom! Today is all about what motherhood means to us. Telling our stories. Letting you IN to see the real…us.

It's hard for me to tell you what motherhood means to me though. It is very complex for me and although I'm a very talkative person, I sometimes find it hard to open up on the blog. Craft tutorials – yes, can do! Heartfelt emotional pieces? Eee that's tough!

I can tell you I grew up laughing a lot with my parents (that means mom, dad and stepmom for me!). They are very funny people. To me, anyhow! So I tend to approach the topic of parenthood with humor too. I thought I'd share some funny Mother's Day Quotes and stories for your reading enjoyment to offer you a glimpse of what life is like for me.

I don't know about you but I have a bunch of phrases that I keep in the back of my head, you might even call them one-liners about my kids and about motherhood for everyday interactions with strangers. Here they are in no particular order, mine and others!

Funny Mothers Day Quotes

A lot of times at the store or the park, strangers will mention that they remember when their kids were as little as mine and I like to say, "Yeah, no one ever told me that if you feed them, they GROW!" Buh-dum-bump-CHING!

When my daughter was a baby I was often frazzled when I was with her in public and if a stranger took note of me I liked to say, "Man I shouldn't have left the manual for this thing (points at baby) at the hospital!" (Insert laugh track here.)

As you can see from the annual Mother's Day Photos above, LalyDad and I make super cute babies (Beaming angelically). In fact, believe it or not, strangers and family LOVE to tell me how adooorable they are. It happens so frequently that I HAD to come up with a response. "Aww thanks, yes they're just like we ordered them!" Ha-HA! But wait, there's more! "Super cute- check! Good sleepers- done! Great eaters- yes sir!" (marking off my fake list.)

Have you ever noticed that people love to be in your business? Complete strangers like to ask you really personal questions when you have kids. Like if you'll have another kid, or if you have twins (or more) they ask if you had infertility treatment. I don't have twins but I know lots of moms of multiples and OH the stories they tell of nosy strangers! The one I get a lot is about having one boy and one girl. People like to ask if we're "done." Which I'm sorry, but it is none of their business. But I'm non-confrontational so I usually say, "Matched set, right? We got what we came for, it's like the baby jackpot!" And then I change the subject.

You also may be able to tell from the photos that I have two sorta redheaded kids. One of my favorite pastimes has been coming up with nicknames for them. It started with the Sherlock Holmes movie. We used to secretly call my daughter the ginger midget. Now it's the ginger twins or the dynamic duo.

We live in an old house with squeaky floors so I love to joke about my frequent morning predicament of having to go to the bathroom badly but not wanting to wake up the kids to get to the potty. "I go into stealth mode like Catherine Zeta Jones in Entrapment, to traverse the four feet of hallway from my bedroom to the bathroom!"

I know. I'm hilarious! Okay, maybe I'm hilarious-ish. I'm fine with that.

Guess what! I have hilarious friends too! Check out these gems!

When people say: 'oh my, three boys!' I say, 'showering is overrated and who has the time to go the bathroom, really? Let's be honest.' – Marnie of Carrots are Orange

When people say "oh you have your hands full" I say "what you mean I'm supposed to control them?" Or "isn't that what duct tape is for?" Lisette from Where Imagination Grows

Please tell me you all have hilarious nicknames, retorts and stories about your bubs! Share in the comments!!

Ultimate Guide to Baby's First Year

Ultimate Guide to Baby's First Year

Today marks the start of an INCREDIBLE huge series called Baby's First Year that will include resources, advice, stories, quotes, guides- AND a HUGE Giveaway below! You'll want to tune in for 12 great days of content all about babies and their caretakers! You can follow along with all the posts in this series at Lemon Lime Adventures or on the pinterest board.

And you guys HAVE to check out this AMAZE-BALLS giveaway featuring over $2000 worth of mama-approved goodies!!!! It is truly nuts, all of the bloggers worked together to put together the Ultimate Baby Giveaway! Click the image to see the details and then GO ENTER!! And tell your friends for the LOVE of Pete!! It would be SOO awesome if a Lalymom Reader won this amazing prize pack!!

Celebrating Motherhood | Real Stories from Real Moms ~ Lemon Lime Adventures

Sweet tooth: from mother to children ~ La Cité des Vents

Happy Mother's Day {Free Printable} ~ Bare Feet on the Dashboard

The Day I Became a Mom ~ The Jenny Evolution

Being a Mom of Growing Readers  ~ Growing Book by Book

How We Ordered a Baby ~ Let the Journey Begin

I Always Said I'm Not A Baby Person ~ Pink Oatmeal

Celebrate Motherhood: They Call Me Momma ~ The Stay-at-Home-Mom Survival Guide

Mom to Three: Two Here, One in My Heart ~ Still Playing School

Time After Time ~ True Aim Education

A Hand Made Family ~ Hand Made Kids Art

Four generations ~ Wildflower Ramblings

Ten Things I Learned From Motherhood ~ Conceving Piper

3 Poems Celebrating Motherhood ~ BPhotoArt

#ItWasMom ~ Trust Me, I'm a Mom

5 things to love about multiples ~ Bambini Travel

A Letter To Myself (As a New Mom) ~ Peace but Not Quiet

Celebrating Mothers Day from the Couch ~ ALLterNATIVElearning

Happy Mother's Day from a First Time Mom ~ The Realistic Mama

I'm Not Super Mom, Just Mom to 3 Super Little Boys ~ Makeovers & Motherhood

Becoming Mama ~ It's A Long Story

Celebrating Grandmotherhood, the World's Best Job ~ Living Montessori Now

Simply Mom ~ Plain Vanilla Mom

The Ultimate Baby Series and Giveaway ~ Natural Beach Living

Follow Dayna :: Lemon Lime Adventures's board Everything Baby on Pinterest.

Ultimate Baby Giveaway for Mothers Day a Rafflecopter giveaway


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