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How Much Money Do the Alaskan Bush Family Make

The Alaskan Bush-league People is ane of the tiptop-rated shows on Discovery Channel. It's been around since 2014 and recently ended its 12th season. The reality Television show follows the story of the Brown family unit who lives in Alaska's wilderness.

Reports said that the Dark-brown family's net worth stands at $60 million. Each member of the Alaskan Bush People family unit receives up to $threescore,000 in show revenue except for Billy Brown, who earns $500,000 per episode from Discovery Channel. Pelting Brownish reportedly earns between $8,000 and $15,000 per episode, Snowbird and Noah Brown earn nigh $sixty,000 and $65,000 per twelvemonth, respectively.

The Browns are composed of Amy and Billy, the matriarch and patriarch of the family unit. They live with their seven children. They accept 5 sons, namely, Matt, Bam Bam, Bear, Gabe, and Noah, and two daughters, Bird and Rain.

The family is left heartbroken subsequently the recent passing of Billy Brown on Feb 7, 2021, at the age of 68, subsequently suffering a seizure. The testify has 12 seasons and Season 12 ended in October 2020. Information technology's still unsure if the Alaskan Bush-league People will return for Season thirteen, but Bear Brown teased in his Instagram account that a new season is coming up. Even then, it's still unconfirmed if they've finished filming the show, when it volition be aired, and if Billy Brown will appear in the upcoming flavor.

The testify was a hit because of their unique fashion of living and fans loved them fifty-fifty more as they went through lots of hoops to survive. Yet, many fans are divided over claims that the Browns aren't really living in the woods. Given their loftier internet worth, they tin afford to buy a mansion that'southward worth millions of dollars.

Fans who've watched the show since it commencement aired saw the family unit alive off the land. Information technology may seem like they only depend on hunting and fishing to survive. But the Browns seem to earn more than what you think.

According to the source quoted in the link, Ami Brown'southward net worth is $500,000 while Matt has $100,000 worth of dispensable income thanks to the show. Bam Bam is now $300,000 richer since the Alaskan Bush People started while Bear's net worth has reached $160,000 already.

Gabe and Noah's net worth is $150,000 and $90,000, respectively, while Bird and Rain's wealth amounts to $100,000 and $200,000, respectively.

What Are Their Sources of Income?

The Browns don't just depend on the show when information technology comes to their source of income. Reports said their coin comes from these:

1. Hauling Business

The family unit started a small hauling business back in flavor three. They most likely earned a lot from information technology since they were able to afford a 435-acre home located in the North Cascade Mountains.

2. Baton Brown Writes Books

For those who didn't know, Billy Brown too makes money past writing books. He's a self-published writer who started writing children's books then sold them on CDs. He likewise published "Teacher of the Former Code" and "One Wave at a Fourth dimension."

3. Permanent Dividend Check

If yous live in Alaska, you lot may be qualified for a permanent dividend cheque, amounting from $one,000 to $ii,000 per year. Neb and Bam Bam used this to their reward by applying for information technology even when their family wasn't living in Alaska for a certain period. The 2 managed to get a few checks in before the government uncovered their scheme and they were both sent to prison house for fraud and theft. The court ordered Billy and Bam Bam to return $seven,956 and $one,174, respectively, in illegally obtained dividends. They were also asked to pay a total fine of $12,000.

4. Fan's Generosity

The show depicts the Browns as a family that's struggling financially. Their plight has touched the hearts of their loyal fans and many accept reportedly sent checks to them.

v. Billy Chocolate-brown Came From A Rich Family

Billy Chocolate-brown isn't originally from Alaska. He came from a rich family and his parents ran a Texas limo company. He had everything from clothes, coin, cars, and boats until his parents died in a aeroplane crash in 1969. Afterward the incident, Baton said he had to exercise odd jobs to survive.

How Much Does The Alaskan Bush People Mansion Cost?

If you're an avid follower of the TV series, you lot know that the Browns moved to California then that Ami tin can get her cancer treatments. They were earning more than enough because they reportedly didn't listen paying a whopping $2.7 1000000 for a mansion in Beverly Hills.

Is The Alaskan Bush People Fake?

There'due south been a lot of controversies about this reality TV prove always since it aired, including the rumors that it'due south scripted and staged. The speculation resurfaced again later on Raiven Adam, Bear's fiancé, confirmed suspicions.

Conduct Brownish'south Fiance Tells All

Yous may recall that Raiven appeared on the show's 11th flavor when she started dating Behave subsequently meeting him at the wedding of the latter'south brother, Noah Dark-brown, back in 2018. They took their human relationship up a notch when they decided to get engaged. Unfortunately, they bankrupt upwards after 2 weeks. (Bear shared on his Instagram when they got back together, and they're getting married soon).

Raiven claimed that she was mentally abused for months during their relationship. She fifty-fifty filed a restraining social club against Comport, which she later dropped. The two share a baby male child, River, who was born concluding March 2020.

She dropped the bombshell in an Instagram Live where she said that only x% of the prove is real. Her bluster came on the heels of Comport Dark-brown'due south claims that he was gear up to meet his son for the first time. Raiven broke her silence and decried Behave'due south efforts to use her and their son for publicity. She noted that she wasn't enlightened of any meeting between River and Behave.

She added that Deport's statements are all just for publicity, attention, and to get more than ratings. Considering of that, she decided to tell information technology all.

They Don't Live on "The Mountain"

Raiven said the show isn't real. She confessed that out of all the Brownish family unit members, only Pelting and Bird actually live on "the mountain" and they resided on trailers. Meanwhile, her fiancé lived with his parents, Billy and Amy, in a house in Loomis, Washington. Even before Raiven came out with all these revelations, there had been reports that claimed the Chocolate-brown family unit lived in a hotel in Hoonah, Alaska, and not the wilderness. Some locals said they saw the family unit and fifty-fifty the prove's coiffure at the Icy Strait club when they're not filming.

Raiven added that Bear asked her to fly in and so that they could flick and get paid. When she was there, they stayed in a hotel and they went to the mountain to film. Dissimilar what's being shown on Television set, Raiven said the siblings didn't get along except for Bird and Rain.

Noah's Date Was An Actress

There are several other reasons some fans remember that the show is fake. At that place was one episode when Noah Chocolate-brown brought a engagement named Karynna when he visited the lower 48. Fans establish out subsequently on that the girl was an actress named Karynna Kauffman, casting more doubtfulness on the authenticity of the show.

Their Kids Accept Tattoo

Some people found something else that doesn't add upwards. Many of the Dark-brown kids take tattoos. If they were struggling with their finances, getting a tattoo is definitely not their priority. Simply that wasn't the instance. Their tattoos looked similar they were the work of professional person artists, which ways they had spare cash to get 1.

Their Kids Are Tech-Savvy

The show besides depicted a tightly knit family unit that lived together in the wilderness even if they were financially unstable. If they've been living like this in existent life, then their kids wouldn't be as proficient in technology as they are now. It was revealed that the family unit had a website way earlier they starred in the TV show. Baton and Amy'southward children likewise had social media accounts where they posted things washed in the urban center, instead of the wilderness. Rain, Snow, Noah, Gabe, and Bam Bam had accounts on YouTube and Instagram well before they moved to Los Angeles for their mom's cancer treatment.

The Show Was Supposed To Be A Documentary

A 2015 article claimed that Alaskan Bush People was meant to be a documentary instead of a television series. The documentary was most an Alaskan family, reportedly the Browns, who were set up to return to the bush to recreate a story depicted in a book. It was supposed to exist a 57-day journey that was set to air nationally and internationally dorsum in 2009. The link to the original commodity where the report was based has been deleted. But those who managed to read it said there's a big take a chance that the Alaskan Bush People isn't a reality Television receiver show later all.

Billy Denies That the Show Is Fake

Baton Brown has denied the allegations that the evidence is fake. He calls people who are spreading these rumors "bobs in the basement" who have goose egg else to practise and don't accept a life.


Is the show real or false? Many fans accept been seeking an respond to this question for a long time. Raiven Adam'south revelation resurfaced some fan's presumption that the Alaskan Bush People isn't real subsequently all. There are many articles on the internet that discuss the veracity (or lack of) of the show as a reality program.

Whether it's fake or not, one thing remains true—the cast of the show was making thousands of dollars per episode. According to reports, they take enough cash reserves to be able to afford a Beverly Hills mansion that's worth $2.7 million. Despite the controversies, the Alaskan Bush People remains every bit ane of the top-rated shows of Discovery Aqueduct

Balance in peace, Billy Brown. You are a true entertainer and many of your true fans will miss you.. The majority of this article was written before the news came out that the Brown patriarch has passed away and has just been updated to reflect this sad consequence.


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