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Owens Family Dentistry, 439 Main St, Snowflake, Az 85937

the epstein case

What We Know About Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Isle'

Little St. James Island, which is owned by billionaire and accused sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Niggling St. James Island. Photo: Gianfranco Gaglione/AP/Shutterstock

More 2 decades agone, Piffling St. James Island, a small part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, began to change in ways that the locals on neighboring islands regarded with suspicion. Plants were cleared. Poles bearing American flags went up. Security guards lined the beaches.

These transformations, according to the Associated Press, happened when the island was bought by defendant child-sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who was plant expressionless by credible suicide in his prison house cell on August 10. The isle has, over the years, gained a handful of sinister nicknames: "Orgy Isle," "Pedophile Isle," and "Island of Sin." (Epstein, Bloomberg reports, preferred the nickname "Niggling St. Jeff'southward.")

Though much of what transpired on the island has remained the subject of rumor, it's probable that more concrete details will before long emerge: On Monday, at to the lowest degree a dozen FBI agents raided Epstein's Petty St. James residence, a bureau spokesman told NBC News.

Beneath, everything to know almost Epstein's ties to the island.

In 1998, for $7.95 meg, Epstein purchased Little St. James Island, which is situated between the larger St. Thomas and St. John islands. After buying the 72-acre trunk of land, Epstein outfitted the island with towering palm trees, multiple buildings, and a helicopter pad, Bloomberg reports.

Though non many details have been reported nearly the interior of the main residence, a former employee said that Epstein had 2 offices, which no one merely the maid was allowed to enter, where he kept security boxes. A former It contractor who worked for Epstein from 1999 through 2005 as well shed light on what was to be found inside Epstein's residence: endless photos of nude women.

"At that place were photos of topless women everywhere," contractor Steve Scully told ABC News. "On his desk, in his office, in his bedroom."

At that place'due south also what appears to be a mysterious blue-striped temple. According to Insider, which investigated the structure, it previously featured a gold dome that flew off in 2017 when the hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated the region. While the purpose of the temple is unknown, one possibility is that it had served as a place for the classically trained Epstein to practise piano — workers described it every bit a music room with acoustic walls and a one thousand piano within, every bit the AP reports.

Conspiracy theorists have suggested that the temple was either a secluded setting for Epstein's abuse or that it concealed a subconscious underground location for the aforementioned purpose. James Both, a contractor whom Insider consulted with for the story, noted that while it was possible to install an underground space or elevator, the construction would accept most likely been documented past a vendor to ensure regular inspections.

Both too pointed out the temple'due south questionable wooden door, which features a reinforcing lock bar. "What makes information technology peculiar is that if you wanted to go on people out, the bar would be placed inside the building, [but the] locking bar appears to be placed on the outside … every bit if it were intended to lock people in," he said. According to Scully, though, the building is simply a gym. (He claims, nevertheless, that the gym allegedly features an especially large framed photo of a topless woman.)

Epstein too had an involvement in "pirate treasure," i of his former employees told Bloomberg. Reportedly, Epstein would pay staffers anywhere between $100 and $ane,000 if they discovered and gave to him old rum bottles, plates, and other dishware.

According to Fox News, Epstein had a dedicated squad of workers on the island who trafficked girls as young equally 12 to his clients. To become in that location, Epstein would fly the underage girls into St. Thomas, and then he would ferry them over to his private island via a boat named Lady Ghislaine, one former employee told Bloomberg.

In one case on the island, the underage girls and women say they were coerced into sexual encounters and, in some cases, even held hostage. Sarah Ransome, who claims Epstein instructed her to have sexual activity with lawyer Alan Dershowitz when she was in her 20, said she tried to swim off the island, but to be found by a search party that included Epstein and his alleged madame Ghislaine Maxwell. (Dershowitz claims that he has never met Ransome). She also said that they kept her passport so she couldn't leave — a ruthless tactic they allegedly used in an attempt to hold more than than ane victim against their will. In a 2015 defamation lawsuit filed against Maxwell, the business firm managing director for one of Maxwell'due south shut friends testified that a "distraught" 15-year-sometime Swedish daughter told him that Maxwell had taken abroad her passport and tried to forcefulness her to have sex with Epstein while she was on the island. (In a argument, a spokesperson for his former employer called this claim "demonstrably imitation and defamatory.")

Furthermore, in his interview with ABC News, Scully said that he oftentimes saw groups of girls who "couldn't have been more than 15 or xvi years former" riding ATVs and bathing topless.

According to allow records obtained by NBC News, while Epstein'due south legal team was busy negotiating a notoriously lenient plea deal for their client in the autumn of 2007, Epstein was preoccupied with orchestrating major renovations on the island. (He would somewhen plead guilty to 2 counts of soliciting prostitution from a modest, thus dodging federal sexual practice-trafficking charges, and serve just 13 months in jail.) During this time, Epstein reportedly ordered the construction of a spa, a living room that would connect to a ground theater, a new kitchen, and two new guest rooms. Altogether, he sought to expand his residence past nearly 20,000 square feet — a transformation that turned his main firm into a mansion.

Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been trafficked past Epstein, told her lawyers in 2011 interview that she saw Clinton with "two young girls" on the island. "I remember asking Jeffrey, 'What's Neb Clinton doing here?,' [that] kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said, 'Well, he owes me a favor,'" Roberts told her lawyers.

Clinton, however, has repeatedly denied this allegation through his spokesperson.

"President Clinton knows aught well-nigh the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York," Angel Urena said in a argument. "He'due south not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and has never been to Footling St. James Island, Epstein'southward ranch in New Mexico, or his residence in Florida."

Per Bloomberg, Les Wexner, chairman and CEO of the L Brands corporation (the parent company of Victoria'south Secret), too spent fourth dimension on the isle on at least occasion, an employee told the outlet. (Victoria'southward Clandestine models allegedly visited, as well). Additionally, the former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak told the Daily Beast that he had visited the island, though he explicitly said that he did not meet Epstein "in the company of women or young girls."

In 2016, Epstein purchased the nearby Great St. James Island, which is approximately 165 acres, for $18 million. This twelvemonth, he had begun construction on a chemical compound there despite a stop-work order that had been in place since December. The compound was to characteristic an amphitheater, an underwater part, and puddle, co-ordinate to the Virgin Islands Daily News.

On July nine, U.S. Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett said she would be matching the donations she had received from Epstein over the years to give to organizations in her commune that focus on women and children. "I am uncomfortable having received money from someone who has been defendant of these egregious actions multiple times," Plaskett said.

This post has been updated.

What Nosotros Know About Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile' Island


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